
El jadida City Pictures

EL Jadida morocco
jadida is one of the important moroccan cities in the region of Doukala, Abda,jadida Morocco, is a port city on the Atlantic coast of Morocco, the population of El Jadida is estimated as 144,440 (2004 census) , the city is very close to Marrakech, Safi, and Casablanca, the city hosts a lot of portuguese monuments since the occupation, that's why the city of El Jadida has a very typic Moorish appearance; it has massive Portuguese walls of hewn stone.

The city of El Jadida was once known as Mazagane, Mazagan, the city was colonized by the portuguese back in 1502, from 1580 to 1640, Portugal was under Spanish dynastic rule, the portuguese abandoned Mazagane in 1769 .

Jadida as a fortified city was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004, on the basis of its special status as a very outstanding example of the inter exchange of influences between European and Moroccan cultures, muslim and christian civ, and as an early example of the realisation of the Renaissance ideals integrated with Portuguese construction technology.

According to UNESCO, the cistern, and the Manueline church of the Assumption are the most important buildings from the Portuguese rule period.

Currently, the city of El jadida has a very rich agricultural activity, the main exports are beans, almonds, maize, chick-peas, wool, hides, wax and eggs. It imports cotton, sugar, tea and rice. The presence of nearby ports and factories is responsible for the pollution of El Jadida's beaches.